Calculation of block in Ethereum and its implementation

A prominent alternative to traditional Blockchain technology Ethereum has gained tremendous popularity over the years with its decentralized financial applications (defi), non-defined lumps (NFT) and intelligent contracts. One important aspect of Ethereum’s scalability is the size of the block, which determines the number of events in each block. This article discusses how the block size of Ethereum is calculated and investigated in particular for its computing process to implement the 1 MB limit.

Ethereum block size calculation

Calculation of block size in Ethereum is a complex process that contains several steps:

  • Event RUN : The first step includes calculating the number of events in each block. This is typically done by iterating all the events added to the block and saving them in a table.

  • Event Driving : The hash for each event is then used as a basis for the Hash calculation of the block.

  • Hash function : Sha-256-based hash-based Hash function, such as the Keccak-256 algorithm, is used to combine transactions into a ‘Hash one string called’ block information ‘.


  • Hash calculation of blocks : The encrypted block information is then re-dispersed using the same Sha-256-based Hash function, leading to a new string called “Block Hash”.

1 MB limit implementation

The size of the Ethereum block is designed to ensure that each block may have up to 4 MB data. Two algorithms are used to monitor this limit:

  • Event Hash Length : Hash (typically 256 bits or 32 bytes) for each event contributes to the total size.

  • Size of block data : The number of events in the block also affects its size.

Ethereum block size is calculated using a combination of the following formulas:

block_size = (transaction_count * transaction_hash_length + block_data_size)

Block_size = 4MB – (block_hash_length / 8)

If the block_size is the size of the overall block, theTransaction_count is the number of events in the block, transaction_hash_length and the block_data_sizeare constant that determine the size of the stake block.

Comparison of Bitcoin Coreen

Bitcoin Core, the popular implementation of the Bitcoin protocol, also uses a similar calculation method to implement its 1 MB limit. The key difference is the use of various hash functions and algorithms:

  • Ethereum uses Sha-256-based decentralization functions such as KECCAK-256.

  • Bitcoin core uses Sha-256-based decentralization functions such as Ripemd-160.

From the point of view of scalability, both implementations have their own strengths and weaknesses. Although the Bitcoin core is able to handle higher transaction degrees due to its ability to handle more events in a second, calculating the size of the Ethereum block is optimized on high-capacity networks, focusing on scalability.


In summary, calculating the size of the block in the Ethereum includes calculating the number of transactions, their decentralization with the SHA-256-based algorithm, and by encrypting and signing each event. Two algorithms are used to set the 1 MB limit: the length of transactions and the size of the block data. The formulablock_size = (transaction_count * transaction_hash_length + block_data_size) defines the overall block size based on these factors.

The Ethereum team continues to improve scalability and performance by studying new solutions such as Sharding and Layer 2. With regard to the Bitcoin core, its developers strive to increase network capacity while maintaining balance between safety and efficiency.


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