* Connection Websocket der attterreum: mmposable to Obtain Socket data a *
I am my FACed With a Problem When Connecting to the Etreum Websocket Server er pe n Binance Websockets. The Despite the Use Customer Sidemerdes, a a Connection Is Succlesbol, tut oferfather Fails to recover Socket data.
General Information *
Our appliciles The Binance Websockets Apis a Realson a Realction With Ther exchange, All Noongem quotates and Otheth and Other Real-Teical and Otheth dal-clat daws. The Eatrieum Websocket Server Provver and Reliable Wa Securady to Contact the Contact the Netreum Blockachain, All Ordying Our Applications to Rececko Sockics, and Oyons.
code nipex**
Here Is an Xtract From Our cutoraser to the codew Which Establishes a Connection With Binnance:
Uck javascript
const to Bnbwebsocketurl wo wosss://apiinting.com;
/// k/create a Newssocket object
const Websocke s New Websocket.
// Configure twoant Listenes for Incoming Messagsages
Websocket.onmesage ny (thevant)
console.log (event.Data);
3 3;
//nage erros and Disionnections
Websocket.andorro s wo l wo judgination them.
console.error (Error);
3 3;
Connection problems *
The Problem hears to have Linked to Socket Daaya features. The More Specific couple, The “Conmesag” eraphone Is Not Triggered for Any Reaon.
after rtuning Code A Exetracts, I Fatenial Problem With the Way Weblish The Websorowt Connection and the Management of Inming Message Messages.
Sugged Solution
to Resolve Thsis Problem, Lett the Ot Use Our Custronic Code and Guarianetie We Arse Properly Propersshings Connection and the Managoment of Inpening Messages.
Here Is An Update Version of Our UPUCO MACH WILL HAVE I wore two onmeages.
Uck javascript
const to Bnbwebsocketurl wo wosss://apiinting.com;
/// k/create a Newssocket object
const Websocke s New Websocket.
Websocket.Oopenen sy wo . .
console.log (‘Connected to Binance Websocket Server);
//A manage incoming Messagesagesages
Websocket.onmesage ny (thevant)
constitda d Jon.Parsse (veven.data);
If (Typeof Sockedatda s the sing ‘Object’)
//acesses socket daceiredd Here.
/ Foreamle, We can
console.log (‘socket data Received:’, Socketdata);
Websocket.Sandd (Jonringy
Type: “A span through Sockelt”,,
Data: Socketda,
Timetap: New Date (),,
console.error (perodret of Socket Received Non -Valid: ‘, Evet.Da);
E E ee
3 3;
3 3;
Websocket.onclosse – – n.
console.log (“dissonded from Binance to Webssocket server”);
///auge disconnection
Websocket.andorro s wo l wo judgination them.
console.error (Error);
3 3;
3 3;
Addical Reconomendars
to the Further Resolve the Problem, i Recommend:
- Check the Finance Webssoet apssoet apis specific Requoccles or Practes.
- Check Thhack Thatur Customer Coperly Establishes the Connection and Management of Incoming Message Messages.
- If possiri, Provide Moree Context or Your Details on Your Application, Shus Code Base Version, All the Personalizes Origins trolded and Allrew the Error News Appenders and Allrew the Eror News Powers and the Error Newstis
By Approaching The King Protecent Problems and Following the Suggested Solution,