Bitcoin Error: Unable to Decrypt PSBT

As a Bitcoin enthusiast, you are not alone in facing errors when trying to upload your Public Sector Trezor (PSBT) wallet to Bitcoin Core. In this article, we will go into the details of the error message and provide instructions on how to resolve it.

Error Message Explanation

The “Unable to Decrypt PSBT” error occurs when you try to upload your PSBT to Bitcoin Core. This issue usually occurs because the wallet’s PSBT is not encoded correctly or has not been decoded using Bitcoin Core’s psbt-encode command.

PSBT Encoding and Decoding

In Bitcoin, a public sector transaction (PSBT) is used to represent transactions between a sender and a receiver on the blockchain. The psbt-encode command is used to encode PSBTs into a format that Bitcoin Core can decode.

The encoding process involves converting PSBT data from binary to human-readable text, which is then stored in the Bitcoin Core database. However, if the encoding process fails or is incomplete, it can result in errors such as “Cannot decode PSBT” when uploading your wallet’s PSBT to Bitcoin Core.

Error Solutions

You can resolve this error and upload PSBT to Bitcoin Core by trying the following solutions:

  • Check wallet settings: Make sure your wallet configuration is set up correctly in Bitcoin Core. Check your “wallet.conf” file to make sure the psbt-encode option is enabled and configured correctly.
  • Use the correct encoding format

    : Make sure you are using the correct encoding format for PSBT. The psbt-encode command can generate several formats, including PSBTHash, PSBTLow, and PSBLow. Make sure you have selected the format that is appropriate for your wallet.

  • Check the encoding result: Check the output of the psbt-encode command to make sure it produces the expected PSBT file. You can do this by running the command directly in your wallet using bitcoincli psbt-encode.
  • Use a third-party wallet: If you are having trouble decoding PSBT, consider using a third-party wallet like Electrum or Blockcycle that has more advanced PSBT encoding features.
  • Contact Bitcoin Core Support: If none of the above solutions work, contact Bitcoin Core support for further assistance. They can provide further instructions or even offer a fix for your specific issue.


The “Failed to decode PSBT” error can be frustrating when trying to upload your public sector Trezor wallet to Bitcoin Core. By checking your wallet settings, using the correct encoding format, and validating the output, you should be able to resolve this issue and successfully encode PSBT. Also, be sure to check out alternative wallets or contact support if necessary.

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